I am back with a short report from the support.
The first thing I need to mention is unavoidable, that we have now answered over 20,000 questions since we moved the support to the current platform. I personally am behind about 14,000 of those answers during my 18 months with the company.

A large part of the contacts is about when an incorrect order-ID number comes with a payment.
I would therefore like to deliver the good news that the phrase “köpabitcoin” no longer must be in the message when you pay a btcx.SE orders. The digits is enough! Lovely! Now even more of you will have their orders processed in 3 minutes or less.

Another issue to consider is the PEP question (Politically Exposed Person). There is a Yes/No question we ask in the bottom of the page of an order placed on btcx.SE. It is important that you check the correct box or else it takes longer to get your bitcoin – but here it is easy to solve the problem before it arises 🙂

Have a good day everyone. See ya!

Pelle B.
Chief Customer Officer, BTCX


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