We Attended Quantech in London
Scroll down for links to video from the conference!
This April Goobit attended the Quantech conference at the Hilton Canary Wharf Hotel. The company was represented primarily by me, Kristofer Agelfors.
Canary Wharf is London’s financial district, and it was noticeable that this is an important place by the amount of police officers patrolling
the streets.
Photo: Hilton Canary Wharf
The conference focused on Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Blockchains and more.
Since my main area is AML and Compliance I thought maybe it was not the best conference to visit for me, but it proved to be a very interesting and rewarding event where I got to meet lots of people from the industry and gained new insight into many areas.
Photo: Taken from quantechconference.com
So, what is there to say about Quantech except that like all conferences you attend, you sit and listen until your ears bleed and days are long days because you don’t do so much more than just sit and listen.
But. there were very good speakers who was very knowledgeable and had much insigt in their fields. Some maybe were not as impartial as they should have been, but that’s really not so strange :-).
I took the opportunity to sneak off to Camden Market and Camden Lock during one of the days for lunch with a couple of acquaintances and I recommend that if you are in London with a couple of hours off to go there, especially if the weather is good.
Picture: Hampstead road cover
If you want to listen/watch a recording of the conference you can do so here: https://quantshub.com/content/quantech-conference-videos
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